Message Forums:
This is a great way to get the word out about who you're searching for. Although posting queries alone
is not likely to build your family tree for you, it may put you in touch with someone else researching the same line. They're
also a great place to get advice and encouragement from other amature geneologists. There are forums for almost everything.
Find a forum focusing on the surname you're researching. I've gotten a lot of information
this way. You may find someone researching the same family, or that has just found on information on your line in their
search. I keep a seperate file on information I find on my surnames that are not in my line, incase I happen
upon someone who can use it.
2. Location
Don't forget to check for forums based on the area your relatives were in. For example:
If you're looking for John Smith from Montgomery county Kentucky, post on forums for Smith, Montgomery county, and Kentucky.
3. Ethnicity
If your relative is of specific ethnic group, such as African American, Native American or Jewish, you
may want to post on a forum for that paricular group. Finding an Englishman in 1800 is often a very different process from
finding an African American in the same year, and the folks there should be able to point you in the right direction.
4. Other
You might also try looking for forums focused on your relatives occupation/trade, religion, or
military service.
Writing an Effective Query
Your queries should contain as much information as possible about your relative. Name, dates and places
of birth and daeth, marriage information, parents names, siblings, places you know or suspect they might have lived. Providing
this information makes your query easier to respond to, as well saving someone else time looking for information you
already have.
The subject line of your query should contain the name full name
and location of your relative. "Smith" as a subject line on a Smith forum is redundant. Everyone there is
looking for Smith! Which Smith and from where is the question.